Classic massage
Base massage from which the techniques of all other massages come. The movement is moderately firm, and is carried out by rubbing, crushing and cracking. Reduces stress and improves blood flow.
Classic partial massage
The movement is firm, and is carried out by rubbing, crushing and cracking. Reduces stress and improves blood flow. Depending on the client's desire, a certain part of the body is massaged (back, arms, abdomen, legs)
Medical massage
The medical massage method is a physical therapy that serves a series of systematic movements on the body with the aim of manipulating the body tissues. It is performed with hands for the purpose of direct or indirect action on the muscular or nervous system and circulation of blood and lymph. Medical massage improves circulation, improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients as well as the elimination of harmful substances from the metabolism. This type of massage can be used as a primary therapeutic intervention or in addition to other therapeutic techniques.
Medical massage back with clay and cayenne pepper
For all those who have problems with the back, we highlight a medical massage with clay and cayenne pepper. This treatment removes pain and inflammation, cleanses the body (absorbs toxins, excess fat and fluid from the body), increases circulation of the lymph and blood, tightens and tones the skin, relieves pain and inflammation.
Aroma massage
Massage a pleasant, soothing touch carried out with the addition of essential oils, all for the purpose of relaxation.
Antistress massage
With relaxing background music and a relaxing massage, we accumulate accumulated stress.
Vitafit massage
The combination of aroma and anti-stress massage which, with pleasant music and fragrant oils, brings the body and mind to complete relaxation and stress relief.
Sport massage
One of the more aggressive massages, therefore, is recommended to athletes. Deep deep movements that relax muscles, reduce spasms and myogloboses are distinguished.
Anticellulite massage
A massage technique that is carried out slowly and with strong movements with a special anti-cellulite oil, which leads to tautness of the skin, removal of excess fluid from the body, reduction of cellulite and relaxation.
Facial massage
A pleasant massage that improves circulation, skin tension, removes headaches and helps prevent wrinkles.
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